Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Job Interview Skills for People with Aspergers

From My Asperger Child.com

It is a well documented fact that "having poor social skills" is one of the challenges people with Aspergers deal with on a day-to-day basis. But this deficit is never as apparent and potentially awkward as during a job interview. Finding a job when dealing with Aspergers is one of the most difficult tasks an Aspie will ever attempt, and even though some are very successful, others struggle with their problems and fail to land jobs even though they are amply qualified.

One Aspie comments, “One of the most nervous things I have EVER done was my first job interview.” This would be true for most people – but especially those with Aspergers. Individuals with Aspergers may have even more problems with such conversations because they (a) have difficulty reading the body language of the interviewer and (b) find it hard to ‘read between the lines’ (i.e., to infer what qualities the interviewer is really looking for in a potential candidate for the job).

In this post, we will be looking at some important "job interview tips" for individuals with Aspergers: 

To Read the rest of this article click here.

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