LDS Disability Facebook Groups
Here is a quick list of LDS Facebook Groups and pages around disability topics. If you are aware of any other groups, please add them to the list.
If you see a need for a group that doesn't exist yet, please set it up and let us know!
AS/Autism and the Mormon Mindset
This is a group for any LDS person who has a mental condition that limits them socially. Specifically autism/aspergers.
LDS ASD - LDS Families with Autism (Closed)
A group for LDS families with Autistic members. A place to discuss the challenges and joys associated with being called to be in a family affected by Autism.
LDS Autism in Canada (Open)
a group to help those of us LDS in Canada, to have a support group with a common belief
LDS Autism Spectrum (Closed)
LDS Disabilities (Open)
General group for members with disabilities, family members, teachers, leaders or anyone else interested.
LDS Disabilities Arizona (Closed)
For Arizona LDS members or familiy members with disabilities or those interested in disabilities.
LDS Disabilities Forum (Closed)
General group for members with disabilities, family members, teachers, leaders or anyone else interested.
LDS Disabilities Help (Page)
Seeking solutions to help those with disabilities fully participate at church.
LDS Down Syndrome Specific (Closed)
This page is specific to those LDS families that have someone with Down syndrome in their life.
LDS Progressive and Disabilities (Closed)
This group is only for those who want to promote progressive changes in the LDS Church by and for people with disabilities.
LDS Professionals Working with Disabilities (Open)
For LDS Professionals who work in the area of disability.
LDS support for people with Mental Health Concerns (Closed)
This group is for members of the LDS Church who are diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder and their families, friends and leaders who would like to support them.
The Liahona Project (Page)
An online community of Latter-day Saint families with special needs children and adults
West Jordan Region Special needs Mutual (Closed)
A group to keep everyone updated in the Special needs mutual activities/when we meet for for Church.
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